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Trash Can Crop Out!

We had him fly ontop of a trash can. So we could digitally take out the trash can and then crop him out. Thus, having a real version of him looking like he is flying through the air.

Unused Jerry Shot!

We did not use this shot becuase it took away from the other shot we did use in following him up the slope. Sometimes less cuts is more effective in the long run.

Egotan Pre-effects

This is an example of how we make egotan fast in all the shots he is super fast in. We green-screen him into the scene. Now this is harder then one might think. Not something we would advise doing, but with a speedy character, it's the only answer you have.

The Close to-be-finished Footage

This is usually the ending footage for some. This is passed the 1st phase and 2nd phase of colorizing and grading, but still not yet done. When edited into the final draft of the whole episode, it will go through one more grade even if slightly altered it will be changed a bit.

Raw Footage!!

Raw Greenscreen footage of the confrontation between Max and Jerry. You will note every now and then we have a dot and we do not. That is on purpose. Just a hint we are not giving away anything more just yet.

Raw Footage!!

This is the raw footage of a horror shot from which one of our characters will be seeing. The effect in the end will be gruesome. Adding a brighter red digitally as well as taking away all other background and making it a pure white room. The image right now looks as if his face is being melted off.

Raw Footage!!

This here is a full raw edit of a scene. You will see all the fake hoses and blood and tracking dots and lack there of. This is an example of the complete raw version opposed to the final cut.

Raw Footage!!

Before FX!!

He has the ability to teleport, it took 3 seperate videos to do this effect. In reality we should have just done a back plate of the scene and done it all green screen but we were in the moment and did not want to leave area.

After FX!

Before and after videos

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